As we all know sleep is essentially for us all and especially for children. But, did you ever consider the power sleep could have on a child’s self confidence? Affirmative sleep talk for kids is very important and people have realized the immense power of positive affirmations planted during sleep could have on the attitude of a child. These case studies should be enough to spark your interest to give this a try and see what results you get.
When should you use affirmative sleep talk for kids?
Whenever the child has bed wetting problems, separation anxiety, speech or behavior issues. If your children receive complaints from school regarding homework, arguing, fighting. Sleep talk could be used in almost any situation where the child is affected, lacks in self confidence or has a behavior that is unwanted by the parent.
How is this done?
Everything is rather simple. All that is needed are 5 minutes to be invested each night while the child is asleep. When you are certain the child is asleep, you should sit by him or her and start talking to them. Telling them how loved they are and that they can always depend on you for anything they need, is a great start.
You should never use negative words when doing this! Only positive words must be used so that the exercise works.
How much time should you be doing this?
5 minutes every night for at least 1 month should be enough to begin seeing very positive results. But you shouldn’t stop there! The affirmative sleep talk needs to be done regularly so that it sticks to the child’s mind and continues to provide results.
The sleep consultants from SleepTalk consider it’s best to use this approach until your child is 12 years old but you can decide this for yourself.
“Sleep Talk: A Breakthrough Technique for Helping Your Child Cope With Stress and Thrive Through Difficult Transitions” by Lois V. Haddad offers great insight into this field and has lots of examples that give you an idea of the best approach in your case.
Check the book here.
Some practical examples
Let’s say Robert has a little problem with fighting at school. You should say something like this:
“Robert knows that his parents love him greatly. He feels their love everyday. Robert is calm and likes all his classmates. Robert is a friendly boy.”
What we shouldn’t say:
“Robert doesn’t hit his colleagues.”
What if Jane is talking too fast? We just say:
“Jane feels loved by her parents and knows they listen to her every time. Jane always talks slowly.”
You can adapt this to any situation. The important thing is to keep with it for at least 30 days to see how it works. 30 days multiplied by 5 minutes means a 150 minute investment on your part as parents. Is 150 minutes too much per month for a change in our children’s lives? It shouldn’t be.
Will affirmative sleep talk work? Most likely yes if the 150 minutes monthly are invested. Children will begin acting “strange” and actually feel better about themselves.